ISSX Africa Workshop

Charles Awortwe

Charles Awortwe (Ph.D.) is a Senior Research Scientist and head of Metabolic Stability laboratory at the Business Unit DMPK & Toxicology, Nuvisan ICB GmbH, Berlin Germany and a Research Fellow at the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa. He holds a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and completed a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town South. Charles also undertook the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship Program at the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany. His research focuses on preclinical Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetic (DMPK). Additionally, he is interested in molecular mechanism of drug-drug and herb-drug interactions precisely the regulation of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters, the impact of post-transcriptional regulation of ADMET genes and the in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC).