ISSX Africa Workshop

About the Workshop

We are pleased to confirm that the upcoming “2025 ISSX Africa Workshop” will be hosted in Johannesburg, South Africa at Indaba Hotel on 5 – 7 March 2025.

The International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) advances research and education on the interplay of living systems with medicines and chemicals for the benefit of society worldwide.

The objectives of the Society are to foster and encourage inter-disciplinary, innovative science relating to the disposition, metabolism and biological effects of drugs and other xenobiotics; facilitate the association of scientists from all geographic regions in this field and related disciplines; disseminate and discuss the results of research and related matters of interest; and promote education and training in this field.

To this end, the ISSX has provided seed funding to initiate the organization of the above-mentioned workshop.

The workshop aims to bring together African researchers (including those in the diaspora) in the field of drug and xenobiotic disposition, metabolism and biological effects. The aim of the workshop is also establishment of an African chapter of the ISSX. The workshop will enable interaction and communication amongst researchers, by promoting knowledge exchange and collaboration between researchers, and to stimulate growth of the society.